Jason's Page 
Heather has graciously decided to donate this page to me, scary huh?
Recent experiences: NEVER BUY A PRODUCT MADE BY ACER This includes Acer, Gateway, and Emachines. If their product works properly upon purchase then you are probably OK, however if there is the slightest hitch at all put it back in the box and take it back for a refund. Trying to see if it will work anyway or see if they can fix it will result in you wasting your entire warranty period sending the product back for repair, only to receive it back a month later in the same untested, broken condition....
This Computer has finally been fixed, (by me not the manufacturer) after replacing the hard drive, power supply, and case. The problem was most likely the power supply. I believe the hard drive overheated due to no airflow around it. The case was upgraded to allow more airflow and to allow a standard power supply to be used.
Acer did supply the replacement hard drive after spending quite a bit of time researching the computers history, me having to get ahold of a supervisor, and realizing they really didn't want to see the computer back again.
While I was switching components over to the new case I found that 1 of 4 screws that hold the heat sink to the processor was properly installed after their prior repair! I am amazed that the processor didn't cook itself due to lack of cooling!
In the end, Mom got a working Christmas computer almost a year later, and I will never buy or recommend an Acer product ever again.
And now we pause for a chicken......
.........OK lets get going again shall we?
Here are a few links that I have found to be informative, hopefully they can help you too.
California Air Resources Board website
Computer Power Supply Calculator
Good (not all you need) Tutorials for website building
Validate Your HTML, CSS, and Other Web Files
Check This Out Too
Ubuntu is one of the many flavors of Linux available today. It is easy to learn and use.
As with any new operating system you will have to learn a few new things. I have found that Googling "(Question) Ubuntu (Version)" almost always comes up with a solution.
Note: replace (Question) and (Version) with your question, and the version # you have installed. Do not use the ( ).
You can easily install Ubuntu alongside Windows creating a dual boot system, or run Ubuntu from the CD to see if it is right for you. You can also install Ubuntu as a standalone OS if you choose (No MS Windows at all).
When running from CD any changes made like installing software or changing system settings are lost on shutdown. Any changes made to files on your hard drive (or flash drive, etc.) are permanent, as in modifying a MS Word document using Open Office, then saving it.
Ubuntu is much less vulnerable to viruses than Windows.
Overall I recommend giving it a try, it is and always will be free! Click the link above to learn more.
Ooma VOIP Service
Do you have a broadband internet connection? Do you hate your phone company and eternally increasing bill? Why pay for telephone service? Check this service out. Note you do have to pay taxes (about $3.50 monthly for us), and opt out of the Ooma premier subscription within 60 days. Look at your phone bill, you are paying the same taxes on top of your monthly service fee already. We are currently transitioning to Ooma and so far like what we see. FYI we got ours at Costco.com for a nice discount. The Ooma telo device should pay for itself within a year for us.